Our Services
Clinical HypnoTherapy & Life Coaching
This the Hard Stuff.
Stop Smoking. Get control over Physical and Mental Health
Deal with Grief, Worry, Overthinking
Find your Sleep Groove and overcome Insomnia
Move beyond Childhood & Adult Trauma
Get help for Sexual, Religious, Sibling, Parental
& Partner Abuse
I Specialize in Challenging Relationship Issues
The Woo Stuff
Experience Future and Past Lives
Access Ancestral Healing and Bloodline Reset
Quantum Time Healing: Heal your Past, Write your Future
Classes and Meditations
HypnoReiki Proprietary Genre: Awesome Stuff!
Certification & Classes:
Meditation, Sound Therapies,Crystal Layouts
Past Life Regression, Future Life Progression, Quantum TimeJumping
Akashic Record Rewrite
Distance Healing Appointments
We can accomplish many things together,
even if we are not in the same room, planet, or timeline.......
We are but a breath away.